Questions & Answers

Just sign up on our website using the Publisher Sign-up function. Please review our Terms and Conditions to ensure that your website(s) agree with our requirements.
While being one of the most generous Ad Networks in the industry, we look to maximize all our publishers’ payouts with various monetization methods. We provide a flexible Fixed CPM and revenue share program that will allow all publishers to maximize their revenues from all countries.
CPM stands for Cost per Thousand Impressions. The publisher earns a fee each time 1000 ad creatives are displayed.
CPC stands for Cost-Per-Click. The publisher earns a fee each time ad creative displayed on their site is clicked on.
No, we DO NOT accept and will not pay for traffic from Illegal Sites. These include but are not limited to Warez, ROM's, EMU's, SPAM emails or any sites with Illegal Content. Also, any fabrication of traffic will be grounds for immediate termination from our Publisher program without payment.
Please review our Terms and Conditions here.
Joining BidGear’s Publisher Program is totally FREE!
Yes, BidGear will assign an account manager to you once you have signed up and been approved.
Yes, BidGear allows publishers to display other advertisers’ ads in combination with our ads.
We offer IAB-standard Rich Media Banners, Graphical and Text Banners. Supported sizes include 728x90, 300x250, 160x600.
Our publisher team can help you establish which campaign best suits your website(s) and which can generate you more revenue. Our advanced technology also ensures that your website(s) will receive competitive rates from advertisers.