What we do

Retargeting engine

Dynamic Retargeting Engine drives sale for e-commerce businesses, intelligently converting shoppers with dynamic, personalized ads

Yield optimization

The RTB auction enabled by BidGear's platform allows publishers and media buyers to determine each impression value, optimize yield and maximize revenue

Cross device advertising

Engage shoppers with premium-placed ads across desktop, mobile and social networks

Dynamic creative

Dynamic Creative enables publishers to activate multiple formats of ads (display, mobile and video) and optimizes campaign performance based on visual aspects such as color and layout

How we do it

No overpromise

We made promise. We keep promise. We appear trustworthy

No cloudy progress

Simple progress from initiation to execution and evaluation

No clumsy amateur

We got you covered with our vetted professionals in marketing industry

Get higher revenue

We'd love to show you what we can do for you

Let's connect